Cayson Hamilton
Originally from Highland, Utah, Cayson is a senior studying computer science with a bioinformatics emphasis coupled with a double minor in physics and math. Cayson is passionate about using computers and machine learning to streamline the drug design process for diseases without current effective treatments. This passion has driven his previous and current projects: in the past, he’s worked with the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, where he worked on developing a computer vision model that could automatically annotate and extract behavior patterns in mice from video footage alone. This allowed him to work with metabolic disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Cayson is unique in the group: while most of the students have shifted to image AI segmentation, he’s focused on biophysical modeling. By modeling different structures, Cayson can see how disease affects cells on a molecular level and test different hypotheses to try and treat them.
In addition to scientific languages, Cayson speaks Swedish and French and he enjoys participating in Ironman triathlons and marathons.