Collin McGregor


Collin is a senior studying physics coupled with a minor in economics, emphasizing software development and entrepreneurship. Outside of the biophysics group, Collin is in BYU’s Sandbox program, where he flexes his software development muscles while building a tech startup. His other interests include surfing, playing the piano, and traveling and volunteering. So far, his humanitarian trips have included Colombia and Peru, but he plans on doing more in the future.

Collin has been part of the biophysics group for about a year. He’s been a critical part of hosting our previous Kaggle competitions, and he’s excited to host the third with the entire world. In addition to preparing for our next competition, Collin is hard at work testing the efficiency of existing machine learning particle picking methods. In the future, he wants to be involved in startups that use machine learning to solve problems (whether they be related to bacteria or not), and he loves learning from the diverse expertise of everyone in the group.